Monday, May 16, 2011

No Joke Snow

Yes, we woke up to an inch of spring snow this morning. Again. Just what we need is more water. It rained all Saturday night and all day Sunday. We don't know what to do with all the water and we're not sure where all of it is going to go. We are pumping water out of the crawl space under the house three and four times a day. The ditches are brimming. The cows have the already sorry dirt road all mucked up. What isn't water on the road is a substance much like Crisco. Ben Burkle, the KTVZ Bend weather man keeps saying this weather is No Joke! He said April was the coldest on record for this area and I'll bet May is, too. Wettest, too. Harney Duck is featured in the snow and the bees have snow and water to contend with. The black dots on the photos are cows grazing in Palomino Lake.  I thought we lived in the desert.

1 comment:

  1. It is 90 degrees during the day here...definitely no snow. I drove the tractor around today and it felt like summer on the way.
