Friday, May 1, 2020

Life in a Pandemic

We've been sheltering in place during this terrible pandemic. We are fortunate that we are retired and don't really have to go anywhere.  We stocked up early but already had quite a store because John, being a Red Cross volunteer, believes in being ready for a disaster.  We were thinking earthquake not virus. Speaking of earthquakes on March 31st we felt the effects of a 6.5 earthquake centered in Stanley Idaho about 300 miles east of here. The house moved, curtains swayed, and it set off the grandfather clock. That was the excitement for that week.  All the while the pandemic was becoming really serious.

So I've been taking drawing lessons on YouTube during this time. One of my efforts is here.  I'm thinking to draw the cover of my work in progress, Wings of the Dawn, set on the Oregon trail in 1853. It would involve a covered wagon. The heroine is going to California to escape her past in New Orleans. So every morning I'm traveling the Oregon trail in 1853. It requires a lot of research which is interesting.  My biggest takeaway from the research was that the over landers were crazy to pull up stakes and move 2,000 miles west.

 Above I'm setting in the first garden seeds which have finally sprouted. I've planted beets, two kinds of peas, kale, carrots, spinach, and turnips in different raised tubs.

To the left are some of the greens I grew inside for my baby greens garden. (See previous post) They are quite yummy and turned out well.  I grew radishes, kale, sorrel, spinach, tatsoi and cauliflower, which needs to go into the garden but we are still having freezes.
 Here is a Russian Olive tree with a magpie nest over our pond.  A larger photo is below. The nests are an amazing collection of woven sticks that withstand strong winter winds and storms. Magpies renovate old magpie nests. This one hadn't been used in a while. But a noisy threesome moved in this spring. They are now setting on eggs, hopefully.  We both love magpies. They are very noisy and funny and smart.
 Here's the big blue spring moon last month looking east from our place.

This is one of the lilies John bought me for Easter. I also have a drawing of this. My drawing instructor says to practice, practice, and practice on things from real life.

 Fairchild enjoys a tough afternoon of sunbathing.

First radish from the greens garden. We got about a dozen. I sautéed the greens with olive oil and garlic.

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