The evaluations are in and Publish the Book was a great help to the
eleven participants who attended. I got plenty of new ideas myself doing
the research and sharing it with others. It was a good group and we had
some excellent discussion. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Marjorie presented an excellent workshop. I'll bet no one else is offering anything as insightful or comprehensive. By the end it seemed as if everyone not only received all the current information about publishing but also a personal assessment of their progress on their current books. Not many one day workshops can accomplish both, but Marjorie managed it. She's been an inspiration for and instigator of writing in Harney County.
Marjorie presented an excellent workshop. I'll bet no one else is offering anything as insightful or comprehensive. By the end it seemed as if everyone not only received all the current information about publishing but also a personal assessment of their progress on their current books. Not many one day workshops can accomplish both, but Marjorie managed it. She's been an inspiration for and instigator of writing in Harney County.